It’s time to challenge the fiction that the “gay rights” movement speaks for all or even most gay people. It does not.  

A Gay Man Decries “Gay Rights”
By Justin Raimondo

The gay activists of yesteryear asked government to leave them alone. Their political program centered on decriminalizing homosexual relations between consenting adults. But today, as tolerance of homosexuality grows, gay activists are increasingly turning to government to impose their agenda on society. Though state power has been used as a bludgeon against gay people since at least the Middle Ages, suddenly today’s gay leaders seem to be picking up the club themselves, saying, “Now it’s our turn.” This is a great irony—and a potential cause of trouble for homosexuals and turmoil for America.

The birth of the gay liberation movement in America can be dated to the evening of June 27, 1969, when patrons of the Stonewall Inn, a homosexual bar in Manhattan, resisted a police attempt to close the place down. For three days a neighborhood rebellion effectively kept the police from carrying on the ancient tradition of shaking down gay bars and busting the ones that didn’t pay up. In the official complaint, the operators of the Stonewall were cited for not having a liquor license. But even if they had applied, it is doubtful their request would have been granted: the state licensing bureau was notoriously hostile to gay establishments. The first modern gay protesters, then, were rebelling against regulation. Indeed, liberation from government generally was a central idea of gay liberation.

But something happened to divert the gay movement from this original goal. Today, the so-called gay rights movement sees government as the agency, not the enemy, of liberty. From socialized medicine to anti-discrimination legislation to mandatory “tolerance” lessons in the schools, there is no scheme to increase the power of government these alleged freedom fighters do not endorse.

As long as homosexual acts between consenting adults are illegal in some states, I believe organizations dedicated to their repeal have a legitimate place in the constellation of human rights causes. Beyond this strictly limited goal, however, a political movement based on sexual orientation is a grotesque aberration. The fact that the gay rights movement has taken on an increasingly authoritarian style is the inevitable result of basing political allegiances on clan loyalties instead of philosophical principles.

In a free society there are no gay rights, only individual rights. For homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, these rights boil down to a single principle: the right to be let alone. Politically, the gay rights movement must return to its early libertarian roots. This would begin the vital process of depoliticizing homosexuality and defusing a dangerous culture war the gay minority can never win.

Even the state “neutrality” that gay “centrists” like Andrew Sullivan advocate would force government treatment of homosexuality as on a par with heterosexuality, as seen in Sullivan’s demands for gay pseudo-“marriage” and open gays in the military. True neutrality, however, would involve not recognition but indifference, inattention, inaction. A neutral state would neither penalize nor reward homosexual behavior. It would neither forbid nor would it grant legal status to homosexual marriage. In a military setting, a neutral state would subject all sexuality to the same rigorous regulation.

Gays must reject the nonsensical idea that they’re oppressed by “heterosexism,” a vile ideology that subordinates and denigrates homosexuals by insisting on the centrality of heterosexuality in human culture. There is no escaping human biology, however much such a project entrances cloistered academics who imagine that human sexuality is a “social construction” to be altered at will. Homosexuals are and always will be a rarity, a tiny minority necessarily outside of the traditional family. The heterosexual “bias” of social institutions is not something that needs to be imposed on a reluctant society by an oppressive state, but a predilection that comes quite naturally and inevitably. If this is “homophobia,” then nature is a bigot. If gays use the power of the state to correct this historic “injustice,” they are engaged in an act of belligerence which will rightly be seen as a challenge to the primacy of the traditional family.

Even many gay liberals recognize that the gay rights model has outlived whatever usefulness it may once have had. The idea of gay people, particularly gay men, as a victim group is so contrary to reality it is no longer sustainable. In economic, political, and cultural clout, gays wield influence way out of proportion to their numbers, a fact which has spawned numerous conspiracy theories. From the medieval Knights of Malta to the mysterious “Homintern” of more modern times, the idea of a powerful homosexual cabal is a persistent theme in conspiracy literature, one that mimics the form and style of anti-Semitic lore.

Overlaid with the victim propaganda of the past 20 years, this image of hidden homosexual power combines to produce a quite unappealing character: a creature of privilege constantly whining about his plight. If the gay political leadership is so concerned about the alleged rise of anti-gay bigotry, perhaps they will take care to project a less bash-able image.

As a specialized contingent of an army dedicated to ramming “multicultural” socialism down the throats of the American people, the gay lobby capitalizes on the worst insecurities of its constituents. Holding up the bogeyman of the “Religious Right” to keep the troops in line, the gay politicos point to Jesse Helms and say, “Without us, you wouldn’t have a chance against him.”

But in fact no major religious conservative has called for legal measures against homosexuals. The Christian Coalition, the Eagle Forum, and other grassroots conservative activists only involved themselves in supposedly “anti-gay” political activities defensively, in working to overturn gay rights legislation that attacked their most deeply held beliefs.

The leadership of the gay movement is playing with fire. The great tragedy is that they will not be the only ones burned. The volatility of the issues they are raising—which involve religion, family, and the most basic assumptions of what it is to be human—risks a social explosion for which they must be held accountable. The boldness of the attempt to introduce a “gay positive” curriculum into the public schools, the militant victim stance that brooks no questioning, the blunt intolerance once they gain power in urban ghettos like San Francisco–all this, combined with the fact that the gay rights paradigm itself represents an intolerable invasion of liberty, is bound to produce a reaction from the majority.

It’s time to challenge the fiction that the “gay rights” movement speaks for all or even most gay people. It does not. Gay rights legislation violates the principles of authentic liberalism, and homosexuals should speak out against it—to distance themselves from the excesses of a militantly destructive movement, to help avert societal damage, and to right some grave wrongs. Those wrongs are the political assault being waged on the heterosexual family by the theoreticians of the gay rights revolution; the endless ridicule of religion that suffuses the gay press; and the limitless contempt for all tradition and “bourgeois values” that permeates the homosexual subculture.

And the search for a gay “ethnicity” is as much a dead-end as the effort to forge a gay political movement. In no sense is homosexuality comparable to being, say, Armenian. There is no gay culture separate from the culture in general, and in spite of pseudoscientific claims to the contrary, there is no genetically encoded gay race. There is only behavior engaged in by a diverse range of individuals, each acting from his or her own motives and predispositions.

Efforts to sanctify such behavior, or to explain it in such a way that it has no moral content, are counterproductive as well as unconvincing. Attempting to somehow reconcile homosexuality with the customs and religious beliefs of the majority is to concede the one right that people, gay and straight, really do have–the right not to have to justify one’s existence.

The obsession with “coming out,” and the essentially feminine self-centeredness such a ritual implies, is surely another aspect of the gay movement that has to go. Do we really need to know the sexual proclivities of our neighbors and co-workers, or even our brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles?

To expect approval or official sanction for so personal a matter as sexuality is a sign of weak character. To unblushingly ask (nay, demand) such approval in the form of some act of government is an act of unparalleled bad taste. It is also a confession of such a devastating lack of self-esteem, of inner emptiness, that its public expression is hard to fathom. Self-esteem is not a quality to be sought from others, nor can it be legislated into existence.

The history of the gay movement reveals that ideology and Eros are antipodes. Politics, said Orwell, is “sex gone sour,” and sour certainly describes the worldview of gay rights dogmatists. This is evident just by looking at them: Beleaguered on every side by a “heterosexist” society, and usually too homely to get a date, these poor souls have so politicized their sexuality it can hardly be said to exist.

Instead of the preening moralism of gay “visibility,” a  sensible resolution of the Gay Question would call for a return to the joys of private life, the rediscovery of discretion and even anonymity. The politicization of everyday life–of sex and the core institutions of the culture–is a trend to be fiercely resisted, not just by gay people but by lovers of liberty in every sphere of human endeavor.

Justin Raimondo is a San Francisco writer. His book Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard will be published in June. 

Published in America’s Biggest Boom  March 2000 Issue

The American Enterprise –


Author Bio

Justin Raimondo is the editorial director of He is the author of An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement (ISI, 2008), and Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against U.S. Intervention in the Balkans (1996).

He is a contributing editor for The American Conservative, a senior fellow at the Randolph Bourne Institute, and an adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He writes frequently for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.

Articles by Justin Raimondo in : + Archives: 


Liberal censorship

August 19, 2010


Conservapedia’s article about ‘liberalcensorship (excerpt):




Liberal censorship

Liberal censorship refers to liberal attempts to mute all opposition to liberal beliefs, is one of the core tenets of liberalism, and is an almost exclusively liberal practice in modern times. Deceitful techniques of liberal censorship include:

  • monopolizing discussions and repeatedly talking more than the other side, despite saying nothing coherent
  • censoring readership of the Bible by deceptively pulling people from it, as in their formative years
  • feigning offense in order to censor classroom prayer and religious symbols
  • branding statements as “hate speech,” with the ultimate goal of marginalizing the Bible in that way
  • intimidating sponsors of conservative speaking events by harassing them
  • seeking information about donors to traditional marriage referenda in order to harass them

Liberals inevitably demand censorship of ideas that challenge their views, and thus attempt to silence all criticism of their ideology by slandering conservatives and other opponents as racist, reactionary, legally enforce political correctness, and establish legislation making many forms of religious speech illegal under misnamed hate speech laws. This is especially true in the most its most extreme political manifestation, communism.

The NRSC makes this claim:

  • Realizing that their ideas couldn’t compete in the Free Market, Democrats schemed for ways to crush conservative talk radio‘s success. Their answer? The so-called “Fairness Doctrine.” Revival of the “Fairness Doctrine” would have the chilling effect of censoring conservative talk radio by requiring radio stations to air liberal content. Air liberal content or your station license will be revoked. It’s unfortunate that Democrats are willing to trample on our First Amendment rights for political gain.[1]

Liberal Totalitarianism

The result of pervasive and institutionalized liberal censorship is termed liberal totalitarianism.

Such attempts to remove first amendment rights (see Fairness Doctrine), along with gun control and the outlawing of creation science and even homeschooling, have led many critics to note the parallel between the modern liberal movement and 20th century totalitarian regimes. The censorship of school prayer is consistent with Fascist beliefs.[3][4][5]

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun claimed that Barack Obama may seek to establish a Marxist dictatorship in the United States.[6]

Gun Control

The term Liberal Totalitarianism extends to liberals’ attempts to breach the Second Amendment by banning weapons. By removing guns, a government can remove citizens’ ability to resist totalitarianism, as occurred in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

See Also


  1. NRSC petition
  2. For example, a Conservapedia administrator makes the charge here and a previous administrator admits that he and the site owner engaged in ideological blocking here
  3. Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning”
  4. Edmund Burke Institute [1]
  5. The Nazification of the American Left, Paul R. Hollrah, New Media Journal, June 26, 2007.


Abortion • Affirmative action • Gun control • Homosexual agenda • Income redistribution • Obamacare • Prayer censorshipStatismNationalization
Biased gradingCensorshipHate speechJudicial activismLiesLiberal logic • Mainstream Media • MythsNetwork abuseObfuscationRedefinitionSlanderTrapsTricksVandalismVideo game industry
ArroganceBias • Bigotry • BullyingDeceitDenialHypocrisyRace baitingStupidityStyleUncharitablenessWhining



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Source: Life Site News – – 25/07/2010




Family under government attack  

From :

Friday July 16, 201o

Brazilian President Seeks to Outlaw Spanking

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent

BRASILIA, July 16, 2010 ( – Brazil’s socialist President Luiz Lula da Silva is proposing changes to the nation’s Children and Adolescents Statute that will prohibit parents from spanking their children or applying any other form of corporal punishment.

In accordance with the proposed law, parents caught spanking or pinching their children, after a warning, could be required to receive psychological treatment. The case could also be turned over to child protective services, according to the AP.

“The proposed definition is applicable not only in the domestic sphere, but also for the other caretakers of children and adolescents – in schools, shelters, prisons.  The bill is seeking a cultural change,” said Carmen Oliveira, National Subsecretary for the Promotion of the Rights of Children and Adolescents.

“If punishment and whipping resolve the problem, the people wouldn’t have corruption in the country.  There wouldn’t be so much crime in the country,” Lula claimed in his comments on the bill.

However, Antonio Carlos Gomes da Costa, who was one of the authors of the original Children and Adolescents Statute, disagrees.

“I would say that spanking, if it is applied with judgment and moderation, is not a violation of human rights,” he said in a recent interview. “For example, a child insists in putting her finger into the light socket, and her father tells her it is dangerous, that she can’t, and she nonetheless insists, to give her a little spank or a strong verbal scolding, which I find to be preferable, is not ‘destructive.’ Punishment is necessary.”

In order to act against parents who use corporal punishment on their children, the government will need at least one third party witness, such as another family member, or a fellow worker in a daycare center.

Lula’s anti-spanking initiative is only one in along line of anti-family policies, which include attempts to further depenalize abortion, to censor TV to prohibit condemnation of sodomy, and to push the homosexual agenda within international institutions.

Related LifeSiteNews coverage:

Brazilian Government Seeks to Remove “Homophobic” Christian Programming from Daytime TV

Brazilian President Will Seek to “Criminalize Words and Acts Offensive to Homosexuality”

Brazilian President Luiz Lula Defends Abortion, Gay Unions

Organization of American States Approves Homosexual “Human Rights” Resolution


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Life Site News – – 19/07/2010


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Source: Life Site News – – 19/07/2010

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Source: Life Site News – – 15/07/2010

Tuesday July 6, 2010


* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information.

Compiled by Steve Jalsevac


Now Clarence Thomas’ wife goes public against Obama
He’s ‘moving country away from founding principles’

The administration’s denial of “radical Islam” is dangerous, dishonest, and demoralizing – Charles Krauthammer

Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History
They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011:
First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief. Personal income tax rates will rise. Higher taxes on marriage and family. The return of the Death Tax. Higher tax rates on savers and investors.
Second Wave: Obamacare. There are over twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare.  Several will first go into effect on January 1, 2011.

A Hapless Administration
Obama’s energy czar, has stated publicly that new drilling regulations will probably drive all but the largest companies out of the Gulf. That seems to be just fine with Ms. Browner, but has she considered how many companies will fail and how many jobs will be lost? Browner’s reaction is typical of how out of touch, and how callous, the Obama administration has become.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency’s computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a “controversial opinion,” according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.

When our leaders used to call us to prayer and fasting – Chuck Colson


Why Kagan Is Unqualified — and Dangerous By Selwyn Duke

Kagan Dodges Question On Whether Catholic Recruiters Would Be Banned from Harvard – CNS
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who banned military recruiters from Harvard Law School’s career services office when she was dean of the school, declined to say whether she would have also banned the Catholic Church from recruiting on campus.

The Case Against Kagan
AUL has everything you need to know

Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?
Elena Kagan has now admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee that as a Clinton lawyer in 1997, she fraudulently revised an official medical opinion by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Is this the person we want on the Supreme Court?

Last Week’s Other Big Supreme Court Decision
Church-state relations were changed last Monday by the Supreme Court, though nobody yet knows exactly how.
The case could have profound consequences for the relationship between church and state.

Without its immunity, can the Vatican survive?
A US supreme court decision could have serious implications for the Holy See, historically protected by its sovereignty

Could impending Prop 8 decision doom same-sex marriage?
No matter how Judge Walker rules in the Prop 8 suit, which is expected sometime this summer, the case is certain to be appealed to the federal Ninth Circuit and then to the Supreme Court. And therein lies the danger. If the current ideological makeup of the court doesn’t change by then, the victory that could come at the hands of Judge Walker could turn into a defeat in the Roberts Court.

Obama and Supreme Court may be on collision course – LA Times
The president’s agenda on healthcare and financial regulations sets the stage for a clash with the Supreme Court’s conservative majority.,0,7184862.story 

NASA AND ISLAM (no kidding)

Former NASA Director Says Muslim Outreach Push ‘Deeply Flawed’
The former head of NASA on Tuesday described as “deeply flawed” the idea that the space exploration agency’s priority should be outreach to Muslim countries, after current Administrator Charles Bolden made that assertion in an interview last month.

Bolden created a firestorm after telling Al Jazeera last month that President Obama told him before he took the job  that he wanted him to do three things: inspire children to learn math and science, expand international relationships and “perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.”

Is It NASA’s Job to Make Muslim Nations ‘Feel Good’? – Elliott Abrams

Photoshop call: Redesign NASA’s logo By Michelle Malkin 


Bumpology  is our weekly column on the science behind pregnancy, written by our reporter whose own bump is growing larger by the day

National Catholic Reporter Seriously Misleads on Stem Cell Research

An Abortion/Breast Cancer Link After All? Wesley J. Smith

A Short Catechism for Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Feminists
Inspired by this LifeSiteNews report (and too many others like it).

ACLU Says Catholic Hospitals Violate Law By Refusing Abortions To Save Mothers’ Lives

Judie Brown: Planned Parenthood’s Push for Military Abortions an Affront to Human Rights

National Public Radio: Choosing Sides and Controlling the Terms Of the Debate With Our Money
Now, we have National Public Radio (NPR) lining up to support the pro-abortion side in the ongoing struggle over this issue. Managing Editor David Sweeney recently issued a memorandum to staff ordering them to use only the politically correct designations for the contending sides in the debate: abortion rights advocates is the approved way of referring to those who favor liberalized abortion; abortion rights opponents is the only way NPR will refer, from now on, to pro-lifers. 


An Out-of-Touch Ogre? The media’s mau-mauing of Bishop Thomas Olmsted By George Neumayr
Olmsted, needless to say, is the antithesis of a Borgia-era bishop. He has risked his comfort for the sake of thankless duty. He deserves praise for resisting the media’s mau-mauing and the Catholic left’s claimed monopoly on “compassion,” which never extends to the unborn child torn limb from limb.

A rebuke for Schönborn, a revival for Sodano By Phil Lawler
Never before, in more than 25 years of covering Catholic news, had I seen the Vatican administer a public rebuke to a cardinal. The facts that Cardinal Schönborn is one of the most prominent prelates in Europe, as well as a student, friend, and ally of the Pope, make the story all the more extraordinary.

In that fateful May session with reporters in Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn was driving home a point that most veteran Vatican reporters already understand: that during the pontificate of John Paul II, Cardinal Sodano was often at odds with then-Cardinal Ratzinger over the handling of sex-abuse complaints. The future Pontiff was pressing to root out the corruption, while the Secretary of State was defending the status quo. By criticizing Sodano, the Austrian prelate obviously intended to defend the Pope, especially in his handling of sex-abuse complaints. The move backfired badly.

While Rome Is Under Siege, the Cardinals Quarrel by Sandro Magister
But Benedict XVI is also aware of Schönborn’s flaws, the first of which is the inconsistency between what he thinks – completely in line with the pope – and what he says and does for attention and applause. Entrusting of the new organism to Archbishop Fisichella could reignite the controversies that tormented his presidency of the pontifical academy for life, because of a controversial article he published in “L’Osservatore Romano” in defense of a Brazilian girl who had been forced to have a double abortion: controversies that were not quelled even by a declaration by the congregation for the doctrine of the faith.

Cardinal Schonborn and the “rebuke”- Are the secular and Catholic press biased against him?

Third Wild Western Mass in Vienna- with the express blessing of the Cardinal

Youth registered for WYD Madrid at 600,000 so far

Another vicious, inaccurate, and contradictory New York Times  attack on Pope Benedict By Phil Lawler
Today’s New York Times, with another front-page attack on Pope Benedict XVI, erases any possible doubt that America’s most influential newspaper has declared an editorial jihad against this pontificate. Abandoning any sense of editorial balance, journalistic integrity, or even elementary logic, the Times  looses a 4,000-word barrage against the Pope: an indictment that is not supported even by the content of this appalling story.

The Vatican’s self-inflicted PR wounds By Phil Lawler

Seven days that shook the Vatican – John Allen, National Catholic Reporter

When Judges Impersonate Theologians by Sandro Magister
In Belgium they searched the tombs of the bishops, in the United States they’re summoning the pope for trial. A transformation of legal culture and court practice is on the horizon. Analysis of Professor Pietro De Marco.

“Time for a new council”
Retired Sacramento bishop Francis Quinn saluted by gay choir at awards ceremony, calls for new Vatican council ‘dedicated to looking at human sexuality’

India: Muslim vigilantes punish professor for ‘blasphemy’ by severing his arm 


Funny Commercial – Swagger wagon

Risking Aviation Safety–For Geese! Wesley J. Smith

Internet Safety 101: Protecting Your Kids
The Power of Pornography. “It is graphic,” Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, emphasized. “It is explicit. It is deviant. It’s aberrant. Kids are seeing content that no 12 or 13-year-old is mentally, psychologically, or emotionally prepared to deal with.”

Child psychiatrist Dr. W. Dean Belnap said pornography actually shuts down a part of the brain.
Dr. Judith Reisman – “Does it destroy them? Yes it does,” she continued. “Is it their faults? No, it’s our fault.” The pilot program in Virginia reached more than 5,000 adults. At least 95 percent of the participants surveyed said they felt motivated to implement measures to protect kids from the dangers in cyberspace.

Twilight moms and perpetual Adolescence
Why are grown women going gaga over a teenage vampire-themed romance?

Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes
The halcyon days of tax-free Internet shopping will, if Rep. Bill Delahunt gets his way, soon be coming to an abrupt end. Delahunt, a Massachusetts Democrat, introduced a bill on Thursday that would rewrite the ground rules for Internet and mail order sales by eliminating the option for many Americans to shop over the Internet without paying state sales taxes.

Celebrating the Birth of a Nation (and preventing one of your own)!
We have the amazing liberty to choose between a great array of contraceptive choices.

Happy Fourth of July – America needs it – Globe and Mail
The Great Republic is in a parlous state – politically and economically

When China Rules the World
Perhaps, but not before its poverty and corruption disappear and who knows how many decades that will take?

‘Beastly’ System Marking Every Purchase You Make
Want to buy a “long live the tea party” bumper sticker online? Soon, the state government in Colorado could know that you purchased it, what you paid for it, where it was shipped, what billing address you used, and a few other details.

Oil spill disasters of equal or greater magnitude to the Gulf spill have occurred over the past century with little or no long term consequences.

Refusing to Report the Truth on Global Warming
The Fourth conference in May featured world-famous physicists from Russia and Israel, and the U.S..; two astronauts including one who walked on the moon…”


Life Site News – – 08/07/2010


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Source: Life Site News – – 30/06/2010